Neuburger is particularly found in drier areas such as the Thermenregion. In Burgenland it may be used alongside Pinot Blanc, Chardonnay and Grüner Veltliner for white Leithaberg DAC.
probably Wachau, Austria
Natural crossing of Roter Veltliner x Sylvaner
235.26 ha; 0.5% of total area under vine
White wine grape variety
The former Neuburger memorial (now the Niederösterreich wine memorial) in Arnsdorf in the Wachau region commemorates the origin of this autochthonous variety.
Vineyard area
Neuburger is a significant variety in the Wachau, the Thermenregion and on the Leithaberg. Between 1999 and 2020, the area planted with this variety decreased significantly.
Important ampelographic features
large, three to five lobes; main leaf vein is red
Grape cluster
small to medium, very densely berried, cylindrical; berries are yellowish-green in colour, thick-skinned, spotted and meaty
Significance & conditions
There are two reasons for this variety seeing a significant decrease in area under vine. Firstly, while Neuburger delivers excellent wine quality, it still cannot really compete with Grüner Veltliner. Secondly, it can be weakened easily by disease, particularly the grapevine fanleaf virus, which threatens survival of the vines. Fortunately, however, vines of this variety have very strong shoot growth and are able to tolerate dry, meagre soils. Deep, fertile soils are a common cause of coulure. This variety is also highly sensitive to late frosts and winter frosts, and is somewhat susceptible to oidium and Peronospora. It is very susceptible to botrytis due to the compact grape cluster.
Area under vine in Austria
(as a proportion of the variety’s total area)
Click on the wine origin in the list for a breakdown into more specific regions of origin.
Total area in Austria:
The Leithaberg and Neusiedlersee wine-growing regions overlap by almost 160 ha (Rieds Hausberg and Neuberg), according to the Austrian Wine Law. This means that the listed area under vine in Burgenland is 160 ha less than the actual total area across all wine-growing regions in Burgenland.
Characteristics of the wine
Neuburger delivers mostly dense, full-bodied yet mild wines with a subtle flavour. Young wines are spicy and flowery, with a nutty flavour developing with age. This variety is very well suited for Qualitätswein and Prädikatswein.
Source varietal specifications: Höhere Bundeslehranstalt und Bundesamt für Wein- und Obstbau (Federal College and Federal Office for Viticulture, Oenology and Fruit Growing) in Klosterneuburg, “Austria’s Qualitätswein grape varieties and their clones“ („Österreichische Qualitätsweinrebsorten und deren Klone“), 2nd, reviewed edition, September 2015
Source area under vine: Calculation by Austrian Wine based on data from BML/IACS (as at 3 July 2024). Moving annual total (MAT) from July 2023 to July 2024.