Austria is a relaxed country that offers an unparalleled quality of life. This is one of the key reasons why Austria has become a globally renowned destination for tourism.
Many holidaymakers view Austria as the most welcoming country in Europe. This is especially true for its picturesque wine-growing regions, which cover some 44,500 hectares of land. The Wachau and the classic regions in Niederösterreich either side of the Danube; Steiermark and its spectacular ranges of hills; Burgenland with the Lake Neusiedl, which is a natural paradise; and Vienna, which is the only world capital where significant viticulture takes place.
The character of Austria’s wines is just as unique as the character of the regions in which they are produced. In addition to climate, the diversity of Austria’s soils is a key factor behind this individuality, for example, the crystalline stone terraces and thick layers of loess in Niederösterreich, the calcareous soils in northern Burgenland and Südsteiermark, and the volcanic soils in the Kamptal and Vulkanland Steiermark. This means that, despite being a small wine-growing nation, Austria offers a wide range of different, interesting wines that nevertheless all display a dynamic contrast between ripeness and freshness.