The southernmost part of Burgenland is home to the state’s purest and most natural viticultural landscape, stretching between Rechnitz in the north and Güssing in the south. The regionally authentic r
The vines of the wine-growing region Thermenregion line the hillsides of the Wienerwald (Vienna Woods), stretching from the outskirts of Vienna along a ridge containing the Anninger mountain, the high
The vineyards in the Kremstal are divided into three distinct areas: the historic city of Krems, whose western “Stein” district borders directly with the Wachau , the Krems valley, with its thick loes
The Wachau corresponds to the stretch of the Danube valley between Melk and Krems. This wonderfully scenic part of the Austrian landscape has been declared a World Cultural Heritage site. Extraordinar
In the vineyards of the Mittelburgenland wine-growing region, Blaufränkisch takes centre stage and articulates its origins perfectly in the region’s DAC wines. Four municipalities set the tone: Deutsc
The acronym “ DAC ” stands for Districtus Austriae Controllatus and is the legal abbreviation given to an Austrian Qualitätswein ( quality wine) that is particularly typical of its region. There are c
“Living with the vines” is the Austrian winegrowers’ maxim – because behind every bottle of wine lie months of work and countless manual interventions. Year in year out, winegrowers passionately devot
Herzlich Willkommen auf der Heimmarktseite! Der Heimmarkt stellt den wichtigsten Absatzmarkt der österreichischen Winzer*innen dar. Die Österreicher*innen greifen deutlich lieber zu heimischen als zu
Heimische Winzer*innen und Journalist*innen können sich beim jährlichen Marketingtag der Österreich Wein Marketing (ÖWM) über aktuelle Entwicklungen informieren sowie neue Ideen und Ansätze für ihre A
Wien , 17. Jänner 2018 Programm und Bilder der Veranstaltung Präsentation Team Märkte ÖWM Präsentation Team Kommunikation ÖWM Ausstellerverzeichnis Green Meeting Exportveranstaltungen Terminankündigun
Beim Marketingtag der Österreich Wein Marketing (ÖWM) berichten und diskutieren nationale sowie internationale Fachexperten alljährlich über aktuelle Fokusthemen, Trends und Entwicklungen der Weinbran
Servus & willkommen im ÖWM Admin! Befüllen Sie Ihre Betriebsdaten, um alle Vorteile des ÖWM Admin zu nutzen. HALTEN SIE IHRE DATEN AKTUELL Halten Sie unter dem Menüpunkt „Mein Betrieb“ Ihre Betriebsda
The largest showcase of Austrian wine and perhaps the most elegant wine trade fair in the world, VieVinum takes place from 25 to 27 May 2024. The fair is a unique opportunity for Austrian winegrowers
From 10-12 March, Austrian Wine will have its biggest international appearance of the year at ProWein in Düsseldorf. Wineries from all over Austria will present wines from all Austrian regions at the
Eingebettetes Video - Breite abfallend Eingebettetes Video - Breite Textbreite Video Gallery Video 1 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, con setetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut
With the introduction of the highest Austrian sparkling wine category Sekt Austria (PDO) in 2015 local producers set the course for Sekt of uncompromising quality . Since then, Austrian Sekt with a pr
Over 35 Austrian wineries will be represented at the Millésime Bio 2024 trade fair, which is known for its focus on 100% organic wines. This significant presence underlines the growing influence and c
Discreetly grapey with delicate Muscat aromas, this extremely early ripening grape variety is used primarily for the production of fresh fruit juice (Most) and young wine in full fermentation ( Sturm
Deutschland ist der wichtigste Exportmarkt für österreichischen Wein, dennoch wird daran gearbeitet den Marktanteil Österreichs weiter zu steigern. Die Rahmenbedingungen für den Export von Österreich
Austrian Wine organises a wide array of presentations and fairs in Austria and on the global stage. The year of Austrian wine is characterised by many national and international activities that are of
Die Schweiz zählt zu den bedeutendsten Märkten für hochqualitative Weine und hat sich durch kontinuierliche Zuwächse seit 2020 wertmäßig zum zweitwichtigsten Exportland für heimischen Wein entwickelt.
With the help of various event formats in mainland China, Austrian Wine is working on presenting a variety of wines and regions to the Chinese wine expert market. Mainland China WeChat Get in touch In
Austrian Wine organises a wide array of presentations and fairs in Austria and on the global stage. The year of Austrian wine is characterised by many national and international activities that are of
The Austrian Wine Marketing Board (Austrian Wine) organises a wide array of presentations and fairs in Austria and on the global stage. The year of Austrian wine is characterised by many national and
The year of Austrian wine is characterized by many national and international activities that are offered and organized by Austrian wine with regional partners. The focus is on major projects such as
The Austrian Wine Marketing Board organises lot of presentations and fairs in- and outside of Austria. Information events like the Marketing Day or the annual Wine Blessing are organised by the AWMB a
The pictures are available for download under consideration of the terms of use . Zwei Personen mit dem Rad Kellergasse © Austrian Wine / 1000things, Katharina Tesch Download Licensing Terms of Austri
The pictures are available for download under consideration of the terms of use . Weinflaschen mit Banderole © Austrian Wine / Bernhard Schramm Download Licensing Terms of Austrian Wine × The content
The pictures are available for download under consideration of the terms of use . Austrian Food & Wine Find the pictures here Green Team. Dream Team. Find the pictures here Asparagus & Wine Find the p
The galleries are organized by generic wine-growing region. The pictures are available for download under consideration of the terms of use . Kärnten Find the pictures here Oberösterreich Find the pic
The pictures are available for download under consideration of the terms of use . Ried Gebhardin und Ried Raflerjoch, Kahlenbergerdorf, Wien © Austrian Wine / WSNA Download Licensing Terms of Austrian
The galleries are organized by specific wine-growing region. The pictures are available for download under consideration of the terms of use . Südsteiermark Find the pictures here Vulkanland Steiermar
The galleries are organized by specific wine-growing region. The pictures are available for download under consideration of the terms of use . Eisenberg Find the pictures here Leithaberg Find the pict
The gallery offers images sorted by generic wine-growing region. The pictures are available for download in the gallery under consideration of the terms of use . Burgenland Niederösterreich Steiermar
There are many hundreds of pictures in our gallery. They allow a lively insight into the dazzling dynamics of the wine country Austria. The pictures are available for download in the gallery under con
Vom Weinviertel bis in die Südsteiermark und von Wien bis zum Eisenberg : Kaum ein anderes Kulturgut repräsentiert Österreich so vielseitig und fulminant wie seine Weine mit ihren geschützten Herkünft
Over 50 outstanding wineries will attend the Vinexpo Paris to present their top wines to the international audience. Visitors will have the unique opportunity to meet the winemakers and taste outstand
Austrian Wine presented a workshop on “Overcoming the Opposites of Wine Philosophies. Re-discover the diversity of Austrian wine”. Preconceptions were challenged through a series of double- blind tast
Austrian wines offer the perfect accompaniment to an array of dishes and food styles, from Central European to Mediterranean cuisine, right through to Asian and Oriental dishes, Ethnic and Fusion food
Twenty years ago, the pinnacle of fashion for an Austrian winegrower was to release his or her premium red blend , aged in expensive new French oak . But times have changed – new oak is no longer rega
The international trend towards red wine has also made a considerable mark on the Austrian wine industry, in terms of the evolution of supply and demand. Full-bodied wines combining good concentration
Here come the stars of the Austrian white wine scene: premium whites with good ageing potential – outstanding terroir wines with international acclaim. While the range of grape varieties used for thes
Auf dieser Seite finden Sie eine Vielzahl an Videos zu verschiedenen Weiterbildungsthemen, wie zum Beispiel Weintourismus, Weintrends und Marketing-Kommunikation. Fachhandel & Gastronomie Fachhandel u
Dazu zählen Käse mit frischen Kräutern z.B. Schnittlauch, Bärlauch, Dill Käse mit getrockneten Kräutern z.B. Rosmarin, Thymian Käse mit Gewürzen z.B. Nelken, Wacholder Käse mit Fruchtstücken z.B. Pilz
Dazu zählen Österreich Kracher, Österkron, Blauhudler Frankreich Roquefort, Fourme d’Ambert Italien Gorgonzola, Dolcelatte Spanien Cabrales England Stilton Charakteristik © ÖWM Charakteristik Blau- un
Dazu zählen Österreich Dolce Bianca, Zwiefacher Deutschland Bavaria Blue, Cambozola Frankreich Bresse Bleu Charakteristik © ÖWM Charakteristik Doppelschimmelkäse zählen zur Gruppe der Weichkäse. Sie w
Dazu zählen Österreich Mondseer, Jerome, Rässkäse, Geheimratskäse, Bergbaron, Almkönig, Drautaler, Moosbacher, St. Patron, Raclette Deutschland Tilsiter, Bergader Almkäse Schweiz Vacherin Fribourgeois