From 17–19 March 2019 in the German city of Düsseldorf, ProWein – Europe’s most important wine trade fair – will be celebrating its 25th anniversary. Austria will have some 350 exhibitors on hand, offering top-flight programming in Hall 17 throughout all three days.
According to the final data of the Federal Ministry for Sustainability and Tourism, Austria produced 2.75 million hectolitres of wine in 2018. The harvest volume was almost 11% greater than in the previous year and 24% above the average of the past five years. The 2018 vintage will be remembered not only because of the earliest harvest of all time, but also because of the satisfying volume and…
According to the final data of the Federal Ministry for Sustainability and Tourism, Austria produced 2.75 million hectolitres of wine in 2018. The harvest volume was almost 11% greater than in the previous year and 24% above the average of the past five years. The 2018 vintage will be remembered not only because of the earliest harvest of all time, but also because of the satisfying volume and…
According to the final data of the Federal Ministry for Sustainability and Tourism, Austria produced 2.75 million hectolitres of wine in 2018. The harvest volume was almost 11% greater than in the previous year and 24% above the average of the past five years. The 2018 vintage will be remembered not only because of the earliest harvest of all time, but also because of the satisfying volume and…
Kurz vor Weihnachten sind viele Österreicher noch auf der Suche nach passenden Präsenten für ihre Liebsten. Obwohl nicht mehr viel Zeit bleibt, sollen die Geschenke individuellen Charme besitzen und beweisen, dass sie von Herzen kommen. Ein Ding der Unmöglichkeit? Keineswegs.
Nach dem Erfolgsjahr 2017 wird 2018 die bisherigen Bestmarken beim Weinexport deutlich übertreffen. Die vorläufigen Zahlen der Statistik Austria für den Zeitraum Jänner bis September 2018 weisen im Vorjahresvergleich einen Mengenzuwachs von 9,7 % und einen Wertzuwachs von 6 % auf.
Der Jahrgang 2018 meint es gut mit Österreich und beglückt Freunde frischer, beschwingter Weine so früh wie selten. In Form des „Jungen Österreichers“ warten die ersten Weine des Jahrgangs bereits darauf, allerorts unkomplizierte Gaumenfreude zu verbreiten.
Die diesjährigen Wetterbedingungen führten zu einem frühen Lesestart. Rund zwei Wochen eher als gewohnt kann somit Österreichs letztes echtes Saisonprodukt verkostet werden: der Sturm!
Nichts geht über einen guten G’spritzten! Im perfekten Verhältnis ausschließlich aus Wasser und Wein aus Österreich gemischt, ist er der beste Balsam für hitzegeschundene Seelen und unumstößlicher österreichischer Identitätsstifter. Über zeitgeistige Behübschungsversuche kann er daher nur milde lächeln.
Massimo Bottura, chef from the world’s best restaurant Osteria Francescana, has been slated to cook for the victors of Austria’s most demanding wine competition in the Palais Coburg on 18 June 2019.
Massimo Bottura, chef from the world’s best restaurant Osteria Francescana, has been slated to cook for the victors of Austria’s most demanding wine competition in the Palais Coburg on 18 June 2019.
On Wednesday 16 January the Austrian Wine Marketing Board (AWMB) invited members of the wine community to a special edition of their annual marketing day at Austria Center Vienna. Willi Klinger, who is due to depart from the AWMB at the end of 2019, summarised the current state of things and urged the approximately 450 winegrowers and industry professionals in attendance to maintain the present…
On Wednesday 16 January the Austrian Wine Marketing Board (AWMB) invited members of the wine community to a special edition of their annual marketing day at Austria Center Vienna. Willi Klinger, who is due to depart from the AWMB at the end of 2019, summarised the current state of things and urged the approximately 450 winegrowers and industry professionals in attendance to maintain the present…
Der härteste Weinwettbewerb Österreichs hat gesprochen: 270 Weine dürfen künftig stolz das SALON Etikett auf der Flasche tragen. 16 davon gingen aus dem Blindverkostungsmarathon als SALON Sieger ihrer jeweiligen Kategorie hervor, 10 wurden von Branchenprofis zu SALON Auserwählten gekürt. Im Rahmen eines exklusiven Galadinners mit Sternekoch Johannes King wurden die 26 Sieger und Auserwählten am…
Am Mittwoch, den 17. Jänner, lud die Österreich Wein Marketing zum Marketingtag ins Austria Center Vienna. Rund 400 interessierte BesucherInnen aus allen Sparten der Weinbranche konnten besonders hochkarätigen Referenten lauschen. Höhepunkte des diesjährigen Marketingtags waren der Gastvortrag der internationalen Weinikone Jancis Robinson MW und die abschließende Podiumsdiskussion zur Problematik…
Massimo Bottura, chef from the world’s best restaurant Osteria Francescana, has been slated to cook for the victors of Austria’s most demanding wine competition in the Palais Coburg on 18 June 2019.
On Wednesday 16 January the Austrian Wine Marketing Board (AWMB) invited members of the wine community to a special edition of their annual marketing day at Austria Center Vienna. Willi Klinger, who is due to depart from the AWMB at the end of 2019, summarised the current state of things and urged the approximately 450 winegrowers and industry professionals in attendance to maintain the present…
Der Sommer ist nun endgültig dem Herbst gewichen. Freunde von saisonalen kulinarischen Höhepunkten sind darüber nicht unglücklich, denn nun ist es Zeit für die köstlich-klassische Kombination von Wild und Wein. Im Idealfall stammt natürlich beides aus Österreich.
AWMB Managing Director Wilhelm Klinger will be leaving his office effective 31.12.2019, thus initiating a generational change in leadership at the Austrian Wine Marketing Board.
AWMB Managing Director Wilhelm Klinger will be leaving his office effective 31.12.2019, thus initiating a generational change in leadership at the Austrian Wine Marketing Board.
AWMB Managing Director Wilhelm Klinger will be leaving his office effective 31.12.2019, thus initiating a generational change in leadership at the Austrian Wine Marketing Board.
For many years now, Austria's largest ski alliance, Ski amadé, has been proud to offer outstanding culinary programmes. Focus is always placed on the regional products of local farmers, with special attention paid to wine. With their new gourmet skiing routes, one can now set off to enjoy the distinctive culinary highlights of each individual region.
For many years now, Austria's largest ski alliance, Ski amadé, has been proud to offer outstanding culinary programmes. Focus is always placed on the regional products of local farmers, with special attention paid to wine. With their new gourmet skiing routes, one can now set off to enjoy the distinctive culinary highlights of each individual region.
For many years now, Austria's largest ski alliance, Ski amadé, has been proud to offer outstanding culinary programmes. Focus is always placed on the regional products of local farmers, with special attention paid to wine. With their new gourmet skiing routes, one can now set off to enjoy the distinctive culinary highlights of each individual region.
Four new white wine varieties are now permitted for Qualitätswein (quality wine) in Austria, via a collective amendment to Austrian wine law. Three of these are fungus-resistant new crossings known as PIWIs*.
Four new white wine varieties are now permitted for Qualitätswein (quality wine) in Austria, via a collective amendment to Austrian wine law. Three of these are fungus-resistant new crossings known as PIWIs*.
Four new white wine varieties are now permitted for Qualitätswein (quality wine) in Austria, via a collective amendment to Austrian wine law. Three of these are fungus-resistant new crossings known as PIWIs*.
Im prunkvollen Rahmen des Stiftes Göttweig fand am 7. November die diesjährige österreichische Weintaufe statt. Vom Stift selbst stammte auch der Wein, der von Abt Columban Luser auf den Namen „Respekt“ getauft wurde. Den begehrten Bacchuspreis erhielten in der nationalen Kategorie erstmals gleich zwei Preisträger: Niederösterreichs Landeshauptmann a.D. Dr. Erwin Pröll und Wiens Altbürgermeister…
This year’s harvest – the earliest ever recorded – will exceed the previous year's volume, with the most recent data from Statistik Austria estimating about 3.2 million hectolitres! Growers are certainly pleased with the fine quality of the grapes, which could for the most part be harvested this year without much concern over potential diseases.
This year’s harvest – the earliest ever recorded – will exceed the previous year's volume, with the most recent data from Statistik Austria estimating about 3.2 million hectolitres! Growers are certainly pleased with the fine quality of the grapes, which could for the most part be harvested this year without much concern over potential diseases.
This year’s harvest – the earliest ever recorded – will exceed the previous year's volume, with the most recent data from Statistik Austria estimating about 3.2 million hectolitres! Growers are certainly pleased with the fine quality of the grapes, which could for the most part be harvested this year without much concern over potential diseases.
After years of behind-the-scenes preparation, the Austrian Sekt Gala on 22 October marks a new milestone in Austria’s Sekt history: the highest level of Austrian sparkling wine, Sekt g.U. Grosse Reserve, will be presented for the first time. With this, Austria will take its place conclusively among the ranks of top sparkling wine producers.
After years of behind-the-scenes preparation, the Austrian Sekt Gala on 22 October marks a new milestone in Austria’s Sekt history: the highest level of Austrian sparkling wine, Sekt g.U. Grosse Reserve, will be presented for the first time. With this, Austria will take its place conclusively among the ranks of top sparkling wine producers.
After years of behind-the-scenes preparation, the Austrian Sekt Gala on 22 October marks a new milestone in Austria’s Sekt history: the highest level of Austrian sparkling wine, Sekt g.U. Grosse Reserve, will be presented for the first time. With this, Austria will take its place conclusively among the ranks of top sparkling wine producers.
From 11–15 March 2019, the prestigious world championship of the Association de la Sommellerie Internationale (A.S.I.) will be held in Antwerp, where Austrian wines will be leading the way.
From 11–15 March 2019, the prestigious world championship of the Association de la Sommellerie Internationale (A.S.I.) will be held in Antwerp, where Austrian wines will be leading the way.
From 11–15 March 2019, the prestigious world championship of the Association de la Sommellerie Internationale (A.S.I.) will be held in Antwerp, where Austrian wines will be leading the way.
‘For the most part, Austria’s grapevines were able to withstand the enormous heat and lack of moisture that characterised the 2018 vegetation cycle. So we have a very early and very ripe vintage on our hands, one in which persistently high temperatures have led to consistently higher levels of alcohol and lower levels of acidity. Volume will in any event be just above average: we are looking…
‘For the most part, Austria’s grapevines were able to withstand the enormous heat and lack of moisture that characterised the 2018 vegetation cycle. So we have a very early and very ripe vintage on our hands, one in which persistently high temperatures have led to consistently higher levels of alcohol and lower levels of acidity. Volume will in any event be just above average: we are looking…
‘For the most part, Austria’s grapevines were able to withstand the enormous heat and lack of moisture that characterised the 2018 vegetation cycle. So we have a very early and very ripe vintage on our hands, one in which persistently high temperatures have led to consistently higher levels of alcohol and lower levels of acidity. Volume will in any event be just above average: we are looking…
A great honour for Austria: for the first time in its history, the highly respected Court of Master Sommeliers will conduct its examination for membership outside the UK or the US – and nowhere else but in Austria! The Master Sommelier Diploma, which will be awarded at Klosterneuburg Abbey in August, is considered the highest honour to which a sommelier can aspire.
A great honour for Austria: for the first time in its history, the highly respected Court of Master Sommeliers will conduct its examination for membership outside the UK or the US – and nowhere else but in Austria! The Master Sommelier Diploma, which will be awarded at Klosterneuburg Abbey in August, is considered the highest honour to which a sommelier can aspire.
A great honour for Austria: for the first time in its history, the highly respected Court of Master Sommeliers will conduct its examination for membership outside the UK or the US – and nowhere else but in Austria! The Master Sommelier Diploma, which will be awarded at Klosterneuburg Abbey in August, is considered the highest honour to which a sommelier can aspire.
Südsteiermark DAC | Vulkanland Steiermark DAC | Weststeiermark DAC
On Monday 2 July 2018, representatives of the Regional Wine Committee and Wein Steiermark (Styria) held a historic press conference, one that would herald a new era in the annals of Styrian wine. According to the announcement, the Steiermark will be inaugurating a new system of origins with the 2018 vintage. Corresponding to the…
Südsteiermark DAC | Vulkanland Steiermark DAC | Weststeiermark DAC
On Monday 2 July 2018, representatives of the Regional Wine Committee and Wein Steiermark (Styria) held a historic press conference, one that would herald a new era in the annals of Styrian wine. According to the announcement, the Steiermark will be inaugurating a new system of origins with the 2018 vintage. Corresponding to the…
Südsteiermark DAC | Vulkanland Steiermark DAC | Weststeiermark DAC
On Monday 2 July 2018, representatives of the Regional Wine Committee and Wein Steiermark (Styria) held a historic press conference, one that would herald a new era in the annals of Styrian wine. According to the announcement, the Steiermark will be inaugurating a new system of origins with the 2018 vintage. Corresponding to the…
From 9–11 June, Vienna’s Hofburg Palace once more became the pilgrimage destination for friends of Austrian wine, as well as for those individuals headed in that direction. 15,000 attendees from nearly fifty countries met up with some 550 Austrian winegrowers, augmented by the viticultural contingent from this year’s guest country Switzerland. The initial feedback from the international trade…
From 9–11 June, Vienna’s Hofburg Palace once more became the pilgrimage destination for friends of Austrian wine, as well as for those individuals headed in that direction. 15,000 attendees from nearly fifty countries met up with some 550 Austrian winegrowers, augmented by the viticultural contingent from this year’s guest country Switzerland. The initial feedback from the international trade…
From 9–11 June, Vienna’s Hofburg Palace once more became the pilgrimage destination for friends of Austrian wine, as well as for those individuals headed in that direction. 15,000 attendees from nearly fifty countries met up with some 550 Austrian winegrowers, augmented by the viticultural contingent from this year’s guest country Switzerland. The initial feedback from the international trade…
The twentieth-anniversary jubilee of the wine festival VieVinum is setting new marks to measure by: more than one thousand wine professionals from all over the world will be attending Austria’s greatest wine fair at the invitation of the Austrian Wine Marketing Board (AWMB) – a historical number of visitors. For Austria’s winegrowers this offers a unique opportunity to open and develop new…