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Recipes with mushrooms demand consideration when choosing the right style of wine. Generally speaking, white wines with very crisp acidity or mineral character, or red wines with gripping tannins, tend to result in an unpleasant metallic taste on the palate.

A picture shows sauteed porcini, © Austrian Wine/Blickwerk Fotografie.
© Austrian Wine/Blickwerk Fotografie

Therefore, a better choice might be a reserve white, a full-bodied, mature Spätlese, off-dry style of white wine, or a creamy textured Chardonnay with subtle oak notes. Depending on how the mushrooms are served, a red wine alternative would be medium-bodied with some bottle age.


Creamy chanterelle mushrooms

Sauteed porcini

Viennese Fried porcini

Pan-fried chanterelle mushrooms
