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The Blauer Portugieser is identical with the Português Azul, but probably originates in Austria. Most of its plantings can be found in Niederösterreich (Lower Austria).

probably Austria

Probably crossing between Sbulzina x Sylvaner

453.31 ha; 1.0%

Red wine grape variety


Blauer Portugieser is probably a crossing between Sbulzina and Sylvaner. It is identical to the “Português Azul” variety in Portugal.

Vineyard area

Grows mainly in Niederösterreich but is significantly declining in importance. The total area planted with this variety increased steadily between 1999 and 2020.

A picture shows grapes of the grape variety Blauer Portugieser.

Important ampelographic features

© Austrian Wine / Oberleithner

Important ampelographic features


circular, with five to seven lobes

Grape cluster

medium-sized, densely berried, cone-shaped, shouldered, sometimes with small secondary clusters; berries are oval and bluish black in colour



very early
early to middle
middle to late
very late

Significance & conditions

Blauer Portugieser is a key variety in the Thermenregion and the north-western Weinviertel. Its susceptibility to winter frost, botrytis, oidium and Peronospora makes cultivation more challenging.

Area under vine in Austria
(as a proportion of the variety’s total area)

Click on the wine origin in the list for a breakdown into more specific regions of origin.

Total area in Austria:

The Leithaberg and Neusiedlersee wine-growing regions overlap by almost 160 ha (Rieds Hausberg and Neuberg), according to the Austrian Wine Law. This means that the listed area under vine in Burgenland is 160 ha less than the actual total area across all wine-growing regions in Burgenland.

A picture shows a person holding a glass of red wine.

Characteristics of the wine

© Austrian Wine / Blickwerk Fotografie

Characteristics of the wine

Higher yields result in simple, pale red wines that mature quickly and age prematurely. In good vintages, yield restriction enables Blauer Portugieser to deliver dense, extract-rich red wines.

Source varietal specifications: Höhere Bundeslehranstalt und Bundesamt für Wein- und Obstbau (Federal College and Federal Office for Viticulture, Oenology and Fruit Growing) in Klosterneuburg, “Austria’s Qualitätswein grape varieties and their clones“ („Österreichische Qualitätsweinrebsorten und deren Klone“), 2nd, reviewed edition, September 2015

Source area under vine: Calculation by Austrian Wine based on data from BML/IACS (as at 28 June 2023). Moving annual total (MAT) from June 2022 to June 2023.
