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The language of wine contains a wealth of meanings that are not all too familiar, particularly the technical interpretations. The glossary describes and offers an explanation to the most common terms.

wine label

Definition:description on the bottle

The wine label is the producer‘s business card. The following terms must be legally visible on Austrian Qualitätswein (quality wine): Producer/Bottler/Distributor, Origin (winegrowing region), Austria (or Österreich), Quality level (e.g. Qualitätswein), Federal Inspection Number, alcohol level, residual sugar classification (e.g. dry (trocken), medium dry (halbtrocken), medium sweet (lieblich), sweet (süß)), the volume of the bottle, along with the term ‘contains sulfites‘ (enthält Sulfite). Qualitätswein additionally has the highly visible red-white-red banderole on the capsule or screwcap closure.
