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The language of wine contains a wealth of meanings that are not all too familiar, particularly the technical interpretations. The glossary describes and offers an explanation to the most common terms.

vacuum evaporation
Definition:a method of concentrating must

This is a wine-making operation used to increase the concentration of the must, whereby water and grape juice is drawn out of the must. In a vacuum, water begins to evapourate at 25 °C to 30 °C, without having any negative effect on the aromas of the finished wine. This form of concentration (reverse osmosis) has been permitted in the EU for a number of years, and is already a practice employed in Austria as an alternative to chaptalization in red wine production. Vacuum evapouration is also a process used for the production of alcohol-free wine.

Definition:sweet and spicy aroma and taste impression

An aroma usually related to oak barrel maturation.

varietal aromas
Definition:The virtues of wine, and the aromas that are reminiscent of varietal character.

e.g. stone fruit bouquet for Riesling, the rose petal fragrance in Traminer


There are eleven ampelography groups sigificant in the Vitis vinifera subspecies. The main differences are between early and late ripening varieties. There are also categories for indigenous and international varieties. In Austria, the following grapes varietes are classified for the production of Qualitätswein.

White wine varieties: Blütenmuskateller, Bouvier, Chardonnay (Morillon), Frühroter Veltliner (Malvasier), Furmint, Goldburger, Goldmuskateller (Moscato Giallo), Grauer Burgunder (Pinot Gris, Ruländer), Grüner Veltliner (Weißgipfler), Jubiläumsrebe, Müller-Thurgau (Rivaner), Muscaris, Muskateller (Gelber Muskateller, Roter Muskateller), Muskat-Ottonel, Neuburger, Roter Veltliner, Rotgipfler, Sauvignon Blanc, Scheurebe (Sämling 88),Souvignier Gris, Sylvaner (Grüner Sylvaner), Traminer (Gewürztraminer, Roter Traminer), Weißer Burgunder (Weißburgunder, Pinot Blanc, Klevner), Weißer Riesling (Riesling, Rheinriesling), Welschriesling and Zierfandler (Spätrot).

The red wine varieties are: Blauburger, Blauer Burgunder (Blauer Spätburgunder, Blauburgunder, Pinot Noir), Blauer Portugieser, Blauer Wildbacher, Blaufränkisch, Cabernet Franc, Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Ráthay, Roesler, Rosenmuskateller, St. Laurent, Syrah and Zweigelt (Blauer Zweigelt, Rotburger).

Definition:oak vat or cask

Alarge open-topped oak vessel or vat, usually used for red wine fermentation.


According to Austrian Wine Law, the indication ‘suitable for vegans’ or reference to belonging to a relevant association are permitted if no animal products (egg, milk, casein) have been used in production. The indication ‘vegan’ in connexion with the sales description or a ‘traditional’ representation (for example, ‘young vegan’) is not permitted.


A description of red wine with a soft, supple taste with harmonious tannins.

Definition:the unfermented juice from harvested, yet unripe grapes, is known as Verjuice (or green juice)

Is used to carry the acidity in an array of recipies, a natural remedy, and is enjoying a revival as an alternative to vinegar.


Refers to an aromatised wine with the bitter oil of the vermouth plant, often used as an aperitif.

vertical tasting
Definition:method of analysing and assessing wine, purely on the basis of using our perception of colour, aroma and taste

There are the following types of tastings, blind tastings, vertical tastings (different vintages from one wine), commented tastings, tastings where wine are rated in a competition, a wine quiz, and so on.


The vine refers to both the scion, that is above ground (European quality variety), and the rootstock. Only the one year old vine wood can produce grapes. Older vines that give a lower yield, but guarantee a higher quality are particularly favoured.

vine breeding
Definition:The determined manipulation into the nature of a vine and intervening to result in reproduction.

Crossings always result in new cultivated vines.

vine density
Definition:the number of vines planted within a defined vineyard surface area

In Austria, the vine density is usually about 5,000 vines per hectare.

vine diseases

Vine illnesses and diseases, as well as the negative effects of pests, can be caused by a fungus (downy and powdery mildrew, botrytis, rotbrenner and esca), viruses (stunted growth, leaf roll), bacteria (crown gall), grapevine pest (phylloxera, the grape caterpillar) or nutrient difficiency (chlorosis, bunch stem necrosis).

vine rows

The structure of the rows of vines in the vineyard.

Vine training system
Item for:training system for vines in the vineyard

The type of vine training system that is widespread in Austria, using wires. One particular wire system is Lenz Moser‘s Hochkultur, or high culture training system, that replaced the widespread cultivation of Gobelet or bush vine training.

Vinea Wachau
Definition:Quality orientated vintner association in the Wachau winegrowing region, established in 1983.

The original name is "Vinea Wachau Nobilis Districtus“, and is a quality-orientated association. Its creators established the three wine categories for its members, Steinfeder, Federspiel and Smaragd. The Codex Wachau is a clear acknowledgement  to the natural production of wine and commitment to strict quality control.

vineyard site
Definition:defined or enclosed vineyard area

Refers to a defined or marked-out vineyard area or site, that contains the same geographical, soil and climatic conditions. Also called a single vineyard.

Definition:refers to a defined vineyard area with the same geographical aspects, soil structure and microclimate, and sometimes known as a single vineyard site
Definition:The wine-making operation from the reception of the grapes to the bottling of the finished wine.

The term describes the complete steps in the process of winemaking.

Definition:qualified wine retailer

Describes a primary fruit aroma with varietal character.

Definition:the name of a Vintner Association

Eight innovative wine producers from different winegrowing regions in Niederösterreich have united to form the Vinovative association.

vintage Sekt

Quality Sekt with vintage declaration.

Definition:another term for vintner or producer

Describes a wine producer, or vintner, and derives from the Austrian word 'Hauer‘, referring to the wine-grower that cultivated bush vines for wine production.

vintner, wine producer
Definition:refers to a person, who is employed in viticulture (the cultivation of grapevines)

Vintner, producer or winemaker.

Definition:the liquidity and viscosity of wine

The viscosity is a visual impression of tears (church windows) on the inner surface of the glass, caused by high alcohol levels (glycerine), extract and sugar content.

Viticulture school
Definition:The group description for colleges, that offer educational programmes for viticulture and oenology.

These include the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences in Vienna, the HBLA in Klosterneuburg, as well as the vocational colleges in Krems, Eisenstadt and Silberberg.

Definition:the name of a Vintner Association

Vitikult is the marketing name for the best value Blaufränkisch varietal wine that is produced by each of the member wine estates in Mittelburgenland.

Vitis vinifera
Definition:the common grape vine is the most important vine sub-species
volatile acidity

Volatile and gaseous condition of a wine with a pungent smell (e.g. vinegar).


The old synonym for the black grape variety Blauer Portugieser, widespread in the Thermenregion, its name originating from its popularity in the winegrowing town of Bad Vöslau.

Vulkanland Steiermark
Definition:winegrowing region

A number of small wine islands on the slopes of extinct volcanoes, lend special flair to the landscape of Southeastern Styria. Growing in the approx. 1,500 hectares of vineyards here is an extensive range of grape varietiesRead more

Vulkanland Steiermark DAC

From the 2018 vintage on, regionally typical wines from Vulkanland Steiermark may carry the designation "DAC". The three-tier system of origin comprises Gebietswein (regional wine), Ortswein (local or "villages" wine) and Riedenwein (single-vineyard wine). The varietal diversity of the region reflects on the Gebietswein level - the permitted grape varieties are Welschriesling, Weissburgunder, Morillon (Chardonnay), Grauburgunder, Riesling, Gelber Muskateller, Sauvignon Blanc and Traminer. The Orts- and Riedenwein level focus on locally leading varieties.
