The language of wine contains a wealth of meanings that are not all too familiar, particularly the technical interpretations. The glossary describes and offers an explanation to the most common terms.
- first wine of a new vineyard
- Definition:
The first wine from the first crop of a new vineyard.
- flash pasteurisation
- Definition:
Method used to sterilise grape juice, and a seldom procedure for wine.
- flat
- Definition:
describes an empty, rather dull wine.
- flat
- Definition:
The description for a flat, rather unspectacular wine that lacks acidity.
- flavonoid
- Definition:colour and flavour compounds
The groups of colour and flavours that belong to the polyphenols.
- fleshy
- Definition:full-bodied
Denotes a full-bodied, opulent wine.
- flint, flintstone
- Definition:mineral aroma
The description of an aroma in a wine, that is reminiscent of two flintstones being vigorously rubbed against each other, giving off this mineral aroma.
- floral
- Definition:
Floral or petal-like aromas.
- flower
- Definition:
The wine has a floral or pleasant aroma of a flower.
- flowering
- Definition:the flowering period of the growing season
The period of pollination, and the stage before the grapes begin to grow. In Austria, this usually occurs in June.
- flowering of the vine
- Definition:start of fertilisation
Refers to the sexual reproduction of the vine, after which the berry fruit, or grapes begin to grow. The flowering period in Austria usually occurs in June.
- Flying Winemaker
- Definition:travelling winemaker and consultant
The English term for a winemaker that flies to different wineries or regions to make or consult on winemaking.
- foreign taste
- Definition:
Unclean, not adequate taste.
- fortified
- Definition:(spirit) added
Wine, where brandy is added (fortified), is known as being fortified (e.g. Port).
- fortified wine
- Definition:Usually sweet wines, that have a higher alcohol content following fortification.
- fortified wine
- Definition:
The common English term for fortified wines, such as port, sherry, madeira and so on.
- foxy
- Definition:wine aroma
Individual and unmistakeable musky aroma of native American and inter-specific hybrid wine varieties, reminiscent of wet dog and forest floor.
- free run juice
- Definition:
Refers to must that flows from the mash without active pressing.
- free run juice
- Definition:
The first, free run must, that flows without active pressing.
- fresh
- Definition:
Young and lively wine, with delicate carbon dioxide and a vibrant taste.